Good morning everyone
- I'm feeling bright, breezy and inspired this morning hope you are too. The
reason I’m feeling uplifted is that I have made some decisions. I have spent
the last few weeks contemplating where I am at, which sounds very profound but my mind has been in overdrive thinking about the way forward for my
Over the last few
months I have spent such a lot of time thinking about the future should I be offering
more workshops and lessons, should I have a website built, should I advertise
more, do I need to improve my blog, expand my understanding and use of social
media. In fact I exhaust myself as I seem to think a little too much and my
list of things I should or should not do is immense.
What I hadn’t really
factored into all of this was my health limitations, the reason I no longer work
full time in the Health Service is due to my ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The
challenge is that my mini crochet business has proven to be a success and a big
part of how I think and function is to look at ways of improving, expanding, perfecting
and refining things, hence all the brain activity.
The reason I am
feeling as though a weight has been lifted is that I have decided to do “nothing”
well not really nothing but mainly not to expand. I don’t have the capacity to add
to what I currently offer and if I’m not careful it will have a detrimental impact
on my health and well being. My decision
has been not to expand but to improve on what I already have. I don’t need a
website or to advertise as I am already fully booked until the New Year,
advertising could just add extra pressure for me to find extra capacity.
My aim is to improve my systems to help me do what I currently do better. I want to improve the quality of
the information I share through my Blog, Face Book and Instagram. I recently went
on a one day course run by Emily Quinton. Emily is an amazing photographer and
she was running a course especially for Knitters and Crocheters to help them
improve their photography skills, taking photos of finished projects can be
really difficult. My daughter Kate had spotted the course and enrolled me onto
it for a special treat. It was a great day and Emily shared lots of hints,
tricks and guidance about setting up our photo shoots. The day also included help
in using camera phones as well as standalone cameras to create beautiful
I have really noticed
a difference in my images and I have fallen in love with Instagram even more,
probably to the detriment of my Blog. One of the things I took away
from the day is that it is much better to do something well once a week or once
a month rather than producing photos or posts just for the sake of it. I used
to be a prolific blogger and was posting most days. I don’t think I ever posted
just for the sake of it but I did feel stressed and under pressure when I didn’t post. The problem
I have since found is how to get back into posting again,
With my new found
freedom I have decided that along with my Instagram which is a much quicker in
the moment form of communication I am also going to blog once a week on a
specific day. I haven’t decided on the day yet but it may be a Friday in future.
I have lots to share as always so thought I would just add a few images today as a way of a catch up.
busy making crochet hearts for a craft fair |
preparing for a workshop |
all set to crochet a mandala |
my lovely new stool cover using one of Susan Pinner's Patterns. |
a little bit of granny striping |
don't think you have met Posy Clementine - my new grandaughter xxx |
a new good read |
my new add to my prop box |
still loving a spot of baking - yummy Hummingbird brownie recipe |
baby cupcakes |
shortbread biscuits for one of my crochet workshops
Hope you enjoyed the catch up
talk soon xxx