Sunday 5 September 2010

"Its late on Saturday"

I have had a busy day, it started with attending the Manchester Stitch and Creative Craft Show which was fun, although, I think the world has been taken over by scrap bookers and card makers. I have to admit I am getting a bit hooked as I am planning to make my daughters wedding invitations and felt myself drawn to Martha Stewart edge punches and shape punches - a whole new creative world was opening up for me!

After doing some essential chores, chatting with my daughters and rustling up something for dinner I have switched back to knitting and even though I am half way through a scarf  I have been thinking about knitting a cushion, not quite sure on the design yet but hopefully will have decided by the morning.

I am also inspired by a purchase my daughter has just made, which is a knitted cuckoo clock, that really works.

I think its  fantastic- completely out of my league but maybe something to aspire to in the future!

As its very late now I think I should switch my lap top off and go to bed as tomorrow is another busy day -
goodnight Sue

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