Friday 22 October 2010

Busy day

I have had a lovely day its been very busy but rewarding - I was going to title my post "networking day" but that sounded a bit cool for me!

I started the day at my grandsons playgroup which was lots of fun and was where I met two children's dress and accessories designers who were showcasing little girls dresses with matching bags and rag dolls, the products were exquisite. I have included a link to the website below:-

I asked the playgroup leader if I could bring some of our Sweetpeafamily range of knitted baby wear and accessories and she agreed to let me have a table on the 12th November. I am really looking forward to it and its just before the Vintage Craft Fair so it will be an opportunity to work on product displays.

I also mentioned that I sold cards and the playgroup have agreed to me displaying my Phoenix cards as well - which is great.

During the afternoon I went to my gym to discuss taking my cards in to sell and they have given me two slots one in November and one in December, if they are successful they have agreed to me having a monthly slot in 2011 - I am beginning to feel like an entrepreneur.

I have another busy day tomorrow I am going to my first ever Wedding Show at GMEX in Manchester.
I have two daughters both planning weddings - its so exciting!  I am hoping to get some inspiration and ideas for wedding favours and invitations.
Bye for now Sue

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