Saturday 9 October 2010

"need to write a list"

Its Saturday morning and so far its quite bright so should be a nice day.

I got back from holiday on Monday didn't do as much knitting as I planned - it did feel a bit weird!

I am beginning to panic as Pam and I have booked a stall at Stockports Vintage Craft Fair in November and December. I am really excited and it will be a great opportunity for us to showcase our stuff  - but all the usual anxieties are creeping in, will we have enough products, will people like them, have we got enough time to finish everything, are we rubbish, the list in my head goes on!

I have decided to declutter my head and write a list of everything we need to do before the first vintage fair, I am also going to do myself a time line (this sounds quite intelligent and organised)

Pam is coming over for the day on Wednesday and we are going to sort out all of the things we have made so far, which will give us a good idea of what we have, what we need to make etc (can't wait to do the time line as I can add Wednesday as an action point!) If we have time we are going to make Christmas bunting to add to our bunting collection. Pam has decorated some beautiful wooden Christmas trees which will make fab gift tags - I am beginning to feel much more optimistic - I didn't realise a blog could be so cathartic.

Its also my sisters birthday today and I have invited her round for afternoon tea, so I now need to become a domestic goddess and make lots of beautiful cakes.

cupcake tower

Not sure what to bake yet but think cupcakes will be the quickest and they always look lovely.  I baked the ones in the photo for my daughters birthday. 
I love baking but not sure it fits well today as I am itching to start my lists.

I had better get started on my baking and list writing, I will take some photos on Wednesday
Bye for now Sue x

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