Saturday 13 November 2010

sweetpea launch party

The launch party went very well - so a very big thank you to family and friends who supported the event.

We both underestimated just how much work it would involve but we were very pleased with the outcome. it took most of the day to get the party set up as we wanted to display our products through out the house.

We displayed collections of Christmas gift tags, knitted Christmas trees embellished with beads and Christmas bunting.


We decorated the fire place with some of the Christmas bunting. 

I have added a few photos of the lovely supper we made for everyone - it seemed to go down well.


Pam and I have been knitting like mad and had lots of lovely adult scarfs, neck warmers and scarfletts to display - people were buying them as Christmas gifts. 

We also displayed some little toys and novelties - little monsters, egg people and baby rattles which we thought would be good for stocking fillers 

I seem to be having terrible trouble lining up my blog today - so I'm sorry about all the gaps and disjointed text.

We had a stall at a local play group on Friday which was good practice for us and we got lots of lovely comments but unfortunately it wasn't a very successful morning if we measure it on sales. 

Tomorrow Pam and I have got our first Vintage and Craft Fair, my hall is packed with all of our stuff which is ready to be packed into the car - keep your fingers crossed that we do well.

We have had almost a 200 hits on our blog which is fantastic - but no comments yet!! I would love some feed back it would be so nice to hear what you think - fingers crossed for some comments and I will offer a "sweetrpea goodie bag" to the first 3 people to add a comment.

 I will post some photos of the Vintage Fair on Monday - bye for now Sue x

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