Tuesday 20 March 2012

Last thing at night

I've had a lovely day which started in the garden, then I met a good friend for lunch and we also indulged in afternoon tea, but I have still had time to take some more photographs for my blog.

As promised I managed to take a few photos to share with you of the hats for the new tiny twins - Sam and Ellis           

I have been experimenting with the camera on my new phone - the quality is good but not sure I have chosen the right style.

The mushrooms that Kate adopted seem very happy in London and she has sent me some photos now they have settled in!.

Yesterday I promised to tell you about my baking - I have been experimenting with pink sponge cakes. My daughter Kate not only likes knitted mushrooms but she has also fallen in love with a pink rainbow cake she saw on "call me cupcake blog" 


I made a big batch of victoria sandwich sponge mix split it into three and added pink food colouring.

I cooked the three sponges and then cut each in half sandwiched them together with butter cream to make a 6 layer pink sponge cake. I am quite pleased with the result.


Thank you for reading my blog today I have had lots of interest in my posts and hope you will all complete the spring flower poll.

Goodnight x

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