Friday 23 March 2012

Little projects that knit up quick

I have been looking through my knitting books for inspiration one of my favourite books is Natural Nursery Knits by Ericka Knight another favourite is "blankets bears and bootees" by Debbie Bliss.

After a lot of deliberation I have decided that my book of the moment is "blankets bears and bootees" by Debbie Bliss. I've Checked my ever growing yarn stash and found that I have got quite a lot of lovely cotton yarn in soft spring colours which will be perfect for baby bootees.

I love knitting bootees but I find them very tricky to sew up and keep the shape right - I need to keep practising!

So since my last post I have been busy making bootees and shoes - hope you like them!


I think they look adorable - I will have to find lots of lovely new baby girls with cold feet!.

With some little oddments of yarn that I had left over I have designed two little baby headbands - what do you think?

I have finished off with a cute little bird toy - also from the "blankets bears and bootees" book.                   

As you can imagine I haven't been doing any spring cleaning, food shopping or cooking - I think I will have to hide my knitting needles and get on with some chores tomorrow. ( or maybe not!)

Talk soon x

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