Friday 20 April 2012


I am following a beautiful Dutch Blog
Ingrid crafts amazing  things and uses colour beautifully I am in awe of her creativity - I first came across her blog in Mollie Makes and now follow her every day ....she fills me with inspiration and her blog makes me smile its always so sunny.

Mollie Makes featured some of Ingrid's exquisite crochet flowers which I adore I have had a go at making some but mine are very simple flowers as I can't quite master the little trumpets on the ones Ingrid has designed.

Ingrids flowers have coloured knitting needles for stems I had one pair of bamboo needles but then I tried wooden kebab skewers which also work and are much cheaper

My first attempt  - using bamboo knitting needles

Started to experiment a bit more - added more colours and layered flowers also used buttons which I think look pretty - and the wooden kebab skewers have worked well.


I think I am hooked soon x


  1. how nice! thank you for yout kind words, and your flowers are lovely! have a Sunny weekend x

  2. Thank you hope you enjoy the sunshine too x


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