Monday 23 April 2012

I've been busy .........................

Since my last post I have been busy with my two projects - my mushroom is nearly finished it just needs some more stuffing and the base needs sorting out ..................

almost finished

I think the granny square was my favourite to make - I decided to crochet one big square rather than lots of little ones  - it was super quick and easy, great fun to do whilst watching television.

I think the colours have worked really well 

haven't quite decided where to put it yet ....................

Still got the crochet bug just wondering what to make next .................have you any ideas?

talk soon x


  1. love the granny blanket but maybe i prefer the individual squares ...have you tried to crochet a hat or i remeber my mother doing a shawl which was a popular item in the 70s ...still have it somewhere will fish out and bring to show you x x


  2. I think I agree but the blanket is so much quicker than the squares - I would love to see your shawl x


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