Sunday 15 April 2012

spring cleaning .......................

Not my favourite occupation but when the sun comes out things do start to look a bit dusty and in need of a good sort out and tidy! I have decided to sort out my yarn and buttons - should really be fridge and cooker but not as much fun.

I have so many buttons ............I am trying to decide how best to sort them - by size or colour - think colour makes more sense. I have had such fun with my buttons  (and spent so much time) yarn will have to wait for another sunny day!

Just think of all the lovely craft projects you could use these for...

I can see some of these on new baby cardigans...........

These look like sweets - could almost be sprinkled on cupcakes.....

Beginning to get some order but will need lots more jars.......


I want to keep this jar out...I love it 

I have decided to do a "give away" never done one before but seen them on lots of other blogs. If you would like a bag of buttons to add to your stash drop me a line - either a comment on my blog or maybe you could "like" sweetpea family on facebook - its good to know a bit about who reads my posts. I will choose two at random on Wednesday and then get the buttons out to you both.
talk soon x

1 comment:

  1. I love your beautiful button pictures, they make me feel happy x x


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