Wednesday 30 May 2012

I'm home ..................

Oh what a wonderful time I have had .............we had so much fun.

Its been my first visit to Croatia and I can't wait to go back and explore further. We stayed in Rovinj which is on Istria's west coast, with its cobbled piazzas, shuttered houses, alley ways and narrow lanes filled with unexpected art and local crafts ............ also the occasional washing line of laundry.

Rovinj is Istria's best preserved old Venetian port drawing on a rich cultural heritage, a borderland where Italian, Slovene and Croatian cultures meet.

We also visited the port of Pula which at the southern tip of the penisula, is Istria's largest city and was a rewarding place to visit with its amphitheatre and other Roman relics.

From Pula we travelled on to Grzini and had a typical Istrian lunch on a working farm.

Before returning to Rovinj we travelled onto Groznjan a hill village west of the Mirna valley which was given a new lease of life when many of its abandoned properties were offered to artists. During high summer most of the artists are in residence opening their doors to the tourists.

There's also a summer school for young musicians many of whom take part in outdoor concerts during August. 

I have so many photos I could go on for ever.................

The hotel where we stayed had the best view of Rovinj's old town and the town was close enough for us to walk into most days and with so much more to see we must return and maybe next time spend time in Venice as by boat its only just over 3 hours away. 

We sampled the lovely local food and of course the wine which was very fruity and full bodied. The daily food market was always full of local people stocking up with fresh provisions.

Rovinj at night was a perfect place to be with my close friends sipping wine and watching the world go round.

Hope this hasn't been too much of a photo overload but I've missed keeping in touch and wanted to share a little piece of this beautiful Istrian town with you.

I've come back well rested and refreshed - ready to start lots of new projects. My first is on Friday when I am hosting a crochet workshop in my home - Tracey Todhunter is coming to run the mini workshop I can'wait.

Talk soon x

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