Saturday 19 May 2012

post wedding catching up ................

I have been having post wedding catch up time ............ or maybe not. I thought I would have lots and lots of spare time this week and wanted to catch up with my blog and start lots of new projects which I've been saving until after the wedding but my week has been so full.

I looked after Zachy and Noah - two of my little grandsons from Sunday until Wednesday evening, my daughter Kate came to stay with her little baby boy Jake on Tuesday and she went home this morning. It was Finns 4th birthday on Thursday (another of my wonderful grandsons - I've got 5) and we had a little party lunch. Tomorrow is Noah's 1st birthday - so we are having a joint children's party for Noah and Finn on Sunday afternoon.

Finn wants a shark birthday cake - which I am hoping to make later - if it works or maybe even if it doesn't I will add a photo to my post. Noah will be easier to please as long as its sweet and tasty he will be happy.

In between playing in the garden, building Lego towers and reading stories I've also managed to get on with some knitting and my little knitted toy and baby hat are almost complete - so will hopefully be ready to post on Monday.

Kate had some good news yesterday -  she designs a range of bags, cushions, lovely whimsical trees and little forest friends and one of her bags has been featured in Simply Knitting this month - which as a proud mum I have rushed out to buy!

I've just been having  a quiet two minute wander in the garden, putting bats and balls back into the shed and moving the goalposts off the grass and onto the patio - the garden is beginning to come to life and we have got lots of new plants to add to the borders - we always support our local boy scout and girl guide groups and buy summer bedding plants - we had to collect them today so have boxes and boxes ready to be hardened off for the garden.

I've also potted up some fuchsia seedlings that I have been nurturing indoors into bigger pots ready for the garden.

The apple tree we planted earlier in the year is doing well - I didn't expect it to flower this year.

and the strawberries are ready to pot on 

Well I will close this post for now as I can't put off the shark cake any longer - I've saved my ramblings and will finish up later with a few photos hopefully x

I'm back again its now nearly 9.00pm and my Shark cake looks like a penguin or dog fish!

I made a square sponge filled it with jam and butter cream and then covered in a thin layer of butter cream

Then I covered the cake in blue ready to roll icing, and added a pudding basin shaped sponge for the head - as though the sharks head was coming out of the water................things then started to go wrong.

                                 I hope a group of 4 year old children  will be forgiving ........

Its even worse face on ...................

I've made the sponge for Noah's birthday cake but will finish it in the morning.

talk soon Sue x

1 comment:

  1. very impressed with your gardening knowledge you have soooooooooooo many talents !! See you soon Barbara


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