Monday 2 July 2012

slow living - June

It's time for my slow living post for June - where has the month gone! It has been another untypical month but maybe that's true of my life in general at the moment.
Since taking early retirement I am much more able to help my daughters with childcare and have played a much greater part in the lives of my grandchildren.
I looked after Laura's precious little boys when she was away on honeymoon, Vicky has been taking exams at college so I've been helping out with her three lovelies and Kate has returned to work following her maternity leave which has brought me to stay in London. Looking after adorable little Jake who I don't see as often as my other grandchildren.
I am still in London, Jake is having his morning nap and I am looking at the slow living headings and wondering if I have achieved very much this month - well I must make a start.

I have been working closely with Kate and we are both trying hard to encourage Jake to try different foods. He is growing and thriving beautifully but he is very hesitant to try new tastes. We have been looking at ways to increase the amount of protein in his diet. He loves wholemeal toast so I tried dipping it in egg and milk and then frying it, hoping he would still think it was toast - but he sussed me out quickly and that was another failure. But we keep on trying, and he is munching more raw vegetables.

I have continued to do quite a lot of cooking, especially batch cooking for the fridge and freezer. Before I head to London I spend a day cooking meals to leave behind for my other half. He is very capable of fending for himself but probably would not spend a great amount of time preparing his food.(it makes me feel better to know he is eating well - thats my nurturing side taking over)

Since traveling up and down the country to look after Jake I have found that I have really reduced food waste. I am much more focussed when buying food, ensuring that I only buy what is really needed. I am planning meals much more and using the cooker more cost effectively.

Although my train travel has increased I have reduced the use of my car and I am doing much more walking. Jake and I go out for a walk everyday and I buy food locally supporting local businesses.

I haven't grown anything myself but I have supported local growers and we visit the farmers market on a Sunday Morning. We have tasted some amazing bread.

My passion for crochet has continued but this month I have had a reintroduction to patchwork which has been great fun. In addition I have been busy knitting jam jar covers which are to be used as table decorations at Kate's forthcoming wedding.

I have had the opportunity to re discover the joy and exhaustion that comes with looking after a one year old, who can crawl faster than I can walk, finds everything that I inadvertently put down for a minute, doesn't like trying new food but loves eating paper and cotton wool, and emptying book cases - the wonderful list goes on..

I am enjoying the e-course which I started this month, written by Holly Becker, but I've not had much time to put things into practice yet.

I am continuing to enjoy my busy family life and I am lucky to still have some special "me" time when I can catch up with friends. This month I have had a lovely patchwork crafting day with Pam, and a holiday catch up with Barbara.

talk soon x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue, lovely to read about your month! You must be having a wonderful time with your grandson! My granddaughter is only four years younger than my youngest child. I don't get to spend as much time with her as I would like because I'm still busy with my own children.

    The wedding sounds like it's keeping you busy! I love that you are doing so much yourselves!


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