Monday 27 August 2012

cups of tea, good company, cakes and cooking ..........

I have been very busy with family commitments over the last few weeks and haven't had very much time to meet up with Pam, but at the end of last week we managed a catch up morning.

We often stay in and have a show and tell session about our current projects, discuss best yarn offers, whilst drinking copious hot drinks and eating an occasional snack but this week we decided to go out and visit a new tea shop.

The Ash Tea Room's are lovely, not only can you buy scrummy food but you can also buy lots of specialist baking accessories, sugar paste, colourings, flavourings, in fact everything you could ever want in the cake decorating department. It also boasts a fabulous chocolatier and fudge making department, which  supplies everything for you to have a go at home.

                        Tea was lovely and we had a great time browsing around the store.

We still had some time to spare so we drove to some lovely shops, we found a shop that renovated vintage furniture and saw lots of things we remembered from our childhood. I'm always encouraging people not to hoard stuff, to recycle, be minimal but it did make me wish I had some of my grandmas furniture. I also had a look for more teacups but didn't find any that I liked.

Finished the day with a fun baking evening, Laura's oven is on the blink and she wanted to do some batch baking for the weekend, as she was going away with a big group of friends. Laura did very well, her cake boxes were bursting with goodies when she went home, 24 mini cupcakes, a marble cake tray bake, and three small birthday cakes, for a bank holiday weekend of celebration.

Talk soon x

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