Tuesday 14 August 2012

fun by the seaside ............

It seems ages since I posted on my blog, I have got lots of things to catch up with and share with you all, but I seem to  have been so busy at home and away!

We had a lovely time in Wales, my close friend Barbara let us borrow her house in Anglesey. We took three of our grandchildren with us and we were so very lucky with the weather.
We spent most of our time on the beach, it brought back such fond memories of beach holidays with our three daughters when they were small.

happy times ..............

We had plenty of fresh air and played lots of games on the beach. I have become reacquainted with the fun of building sandcastles, and collecting shells and pebbles to decorate them. I have also gained a new skill which is crab fishing.

a quick snack - not always healthy!

messing about on boats .........

the ducks wanted to join in with our picnic ......

almost came for a sandwich ...........

we had great fun even when it got a bit chilly.......

We also had a lovely day in Beaumaris, lots of fun in the park next to the castle, a hearty picnic on the pier and a little bit of pocket money and holiday souvenir shopping.

Beaumaris Castle

big brother watching ..........

not so big  - still loves the slide .........

fun on the swings ...........

What a lovely but exhausting time we had, the children were amazing and enjoyed every minute (although I am looking forward to my next holiday, which will be in Turkey and I am planning to do lots of resting, relaxing, reading and maybe a little bit of careful sun worshipping)

On our return home we then spent two lovely days with two more of our grandchildren, Zachy and Noah, as Laura and Chris had tickets for the Olympics. They had great fun in London and combined the Olympics with a visit to see Kate, Seb and little Jake.

Zachy and Noah had lots of fun playing in our garden, picnics on the grass and a visit to the Park. - we were lucky to have some more lovely weather.

Lots of crochet news to share next time, talk soon


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