Friday 3 August 2012

Mollie Makes ............

One of the things that makes me very happy is hearing my Mollie Makes come through the letter box and land on the mat - I indulged myself and subscribed a few months ago - I just love it.
I read it very slowly even though I want to race through it in one sitting - I need to savour it's loveliness.

issue 17
I am loving the feature about Nicki Trench's crocheted, celestial garland and the pattern is included. .......

don't they look adorable ............

I decided to have a go - I didn't have aran in the right colour so I substituted cotton yarn and used a smaller crochet hook, which seems to have worked out ok..
lovely stars ................

I am quite pleased with the result although lots of trial and errors to get to this point - I think I am going to carry on and make a garland - not quite sure where I will put it though. This might be a project that can be picked up and put down as I really want to make another blanket - we will have to see.

I have already got Nicki Trench's "cute and easy Crochet" which I love, it has been such a good book as a newcomer to the lovely world of crochet but it's also got lots of patterns that will stretch me for ever ...........

I am really tempted to buy Nicki's new book that's featured in this edition of Mollie Makes - cute & easy Crocheted Baby Clothes - it looks sumptuous .............

All I need is a cute baby to crochet for - I hope my daughter's don't read this as I think six grandchildren are quite enough at this moment in time.

I seem to have far too many projects in mind - nothing new

I've just noticed the time, it's very late and I should be packing as we are going to Wales in the morning. Must go and get sorted.

Good night, talk soon
Sue x


  1. I've heard a few people recommend Mollie Makes for great projects and inspiration. I have a homewares magazine that I treat in a similar way - I read it slowly bit by bit, so I can make it last as long as possible :) I love that crocheted garland - very cute! Sorry I haven't stopped by much lately, am off to catch up a bit on your posts... x

  2. This months edition is such a delight.

    Nina x


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