Thursday 2 August 2012

my creative space ..........................

I have also joined Kirsty on My creative space…... which is about enjoying the process of making something and sharing it with others who enjoy a creative life too.

The link list goes up each Thursday morning around 7am and is live for a couple of days before it closes ready for the next week. (I have tried to download the "My creative space" button but seem to be having problems - maybe I will have sorted it for next week - does anyone have any suggestions)

I decided to share my completed crochet blanket again as I didn't really capture it in my last post.

starting the stripes...............

all finished
I love the scalloped edge
I'm not sure what to start hooking next  - but I have bought lots more of the beautiful amalfi yarn. I so easily become addicted especially where yarn is concerned.

talk soon Sue x


  1. Very nice colorful blanket, I like the stripes!

  2. Many thanks for your comment - I have just peeked at your blog I love your garland curtain and your spider blanket.

  3. Hi,

    It's never to late to join the PCH group, welcome on board! I've added your blog link to my sidebar and I wish you luck on making your home a prettier, craftier place! If you have any project you want to share, please join the Flickr Group ( too, it'd be great for everyone to see what you've been up to!

    Sandra x

  4. Thank you Sandra it's lovely to be part of such a creative group:)

  5. Hey Sue, nice to see you linking iin with My Creative Space (sorry I can't help with downloading the button...)
    Now getting to the really important stuff.......your blanket, it's just gorgeous and the pink scalloped edge really sets if off....
    There are so many lovely yarns around, bit hard not to become addicted.


    1. Hi Claire thank you for your kind comments - I have just visited your lovely blog I would love to come to your Saturday market your tea cosies are amazing.

  6. I love it Sue, especially the sweet scalloped edge x

  7. Love the stripes, yet to try crocheting.

    1. Just returned from a few days in Wales - thank you for your comment and visiting my blog. You should try crochet it's great fun but addictive. Good look with the new baby, not long to go Sue


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I read them all and always try to get back to you x