Wednesday 29 August 2012

yarn along ..............

I'm looking forward to visiting Ginny's site and catching up with everyone's yarn along posts. Since joining the "yarn along" I feel that it's given me a real focus, it has encouraged me to finish projects and also given me inspiration and ideas to start new projects.

This week I have finished a project that's been on the go for ages. I have been trying to cover an electrical flex, I experimented with an icord, which didn't work, then I wondered if french knitting would work - it didn't, finally I knitted a narrow strip the length of the flex and then sewed it together around the flex, if that makes sense.

The flex has a plug on one end and a light fitting on the other. My daughter Kate had seen something similar in an interior design magazine, I always like a challenge. The lamp can be plugged in and then the long flex can be hung from a hook in the ceiling or the wall so that the light hangs like a pedant lamp (I hope). When it's in position I will post a photo.

The book I am reading this week is Lorraine Pascale's new cookery book, I have been watching her cookery programme on Monday night's and have really enjoyed it.


So I decided to treat myself to the book, it arrived over the weekend and I haven't been able to put it down, I want to make so many things.

catch up next week x


  1. Sue, what an amazing knit! I think that is one of the best ideas I have seen, you took something so blah and turned it into a beautiful element to add to a room. Great job.

  2. What a clever idea with the light flex. I am in awe of your patience!

  3. Wow, love this! Do share a photo when it's hanging... x

  4. The lamp has arrived in Parsons Green but not hanging yet - I will photograph as soon as its in place. So pleased you like it :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment.
I read them all and always try to get back to you x