Sunday 16 September 2012

hen party - afternoon tea ..........

After lots of cooking and planning I set off on schedule at 5.30 am Saturday morning. Armed with all the baking, teacups, plates, cake stands, fizz (very important) and presents for the guests.
My first stop was to collect Laura and then on to collect Vicky who was the nominated driver as motorways and London traffic don't seem to phase her at all.

We made very good time and arrived at Kate's at about 9.30am. After unpacking the car we had a busy few hours getting everything set up, it was so lovely having my three daughters all together. I also had time for a few cuddles with Jake before it became a male free environment. Jake and Seb had a lovely boys afternoon planned and then a sleepover at Seb's parents.

When the boys had gone it was time to open the fizz and start to enjoy our afternoon. 

goodies for the guests ...........

a selection of the baking .............
the carrot cake was popular ......
mojitos and lemoncello slices ............

Vicky having fun in the kitchen ..........
When all the guests arrived we indulged ourselves with our afternoon tea and Anna taught us how to make beautiful tapestry brooches and fabric necklaces. At one time you could hear a pin drop as we were all concentrating so hard on our sewing - although with fourteen women it didn't stay quiet for long.

Zoe sewing her necklace .............

I had fun making a necklace for me and one for Laura ............

After a fabulous afternoon, the next phase of the party began - which was to change into glam clothes and move onto the restaurant for dinner and then cocktails for anyone with the stamina!

I had decided that I would take advantage of the empty house and curl up on the sofa and watch TV after my very early start I was ready for the rest.

Kate had a lovely evening with her friends ..............

On Sunday morning I took my three best girls out for breakfast and then it was time for the long journey home. We all felt quite sad leaving Kate but also excited as the next we see her it will be the wedding! I can't believe it's only 5 weeks away.

Vicky did an amazing job as the driver and we were safely back home for 4pm.

I have just finished my holiday packing and I am about to sit down before I fall down as I am exhausted. I can't wait for tomorrow - sunbathing in Turkey sounds wonderful.

talk soon but not sure if I will be able to post on my blog for a few weeks x


  1. Wow Sue this all looks amazing, what a great Hen's day. I totally love the look of the carrot cake in particular.

    Hope your having a fabulous time in Turkey, very jealous!

    Haven't pop over here for ages, it's been so busy around my place lately, so I'm just going to go back and catch up on all your happenings now.

  2. Hi Barbara
    I had an amazing time in Turkey - lots has happened since, I must get back on track with my blog.
    Thanks for stopping by :)


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