Thursday 6 September 2012

home and away .......................

Sorry it has been a week since I last posted on my blog - I have been so busy it's been hard to find time to sit at my computer. I have lots to catch up with. I went to London at the end of last week so had my usual cookathon to make sure that my partner had plenty to eat during my absence

The old staples of vegetable lasagna and vegetable chili stocked the fridge. For snacking I made a fruitcake, which was a recipe I hadn't tried before - Mary Berry's pound cake, I adapted it slightly and made it as a tray bake rather than a traditional deep round cake, it worked well. I also made a box of chocolate cornflake cakes which are quick to make and a household  favourite.  

Next came packing for my trip, I had to make sure I had room in my case for the knitted lamp and the little wooden people - I can now confirm that the knitted lamp was delivered safely and the little wooden people have a complete wardrobe and are sitting in Kate's studio.

It was lovely to spend time with Kate and Jake, it seemed ages since I had last visited but in reality was less than a month. Jake is getting more confident with his walking and is managing to get everywhere and into everything -  he is just adorable.

Kate as I expected is getting pre-wedding jitters, worried that she won't get everything completed in time, but of course she will.

We managed to fit in a trip to Liberty's where we bought some lovely fabric to make some of the wedding accessories.

I took this photo looking down from the top floor.....

One of the things Kate wants to make for her wedding is a wishing board like the one Sania Pell has designed and featured in her latest book " the home made home for children"

sania pell liberty styling
Wishing Board - taken from  " home made at home for children"
We spent hours cutting up fabric to thread through luggage labels for the wishing board and for attaching gift tags to thank you presents. Kate also designed some special things for the hen party - I can't give too much away as it's not until the 15th September.

On Monday we visited  Temperley for Kate's wedding dress fitting, she looked beautiful  - I wish I could share more with you but I will have to wait until after the 20th October, I can't wait.

As usual the time ran away from us and it was time to come home, I got back yesterday and since my return  have had a busy time with the rest of my family.

Alex has moved up to year 5, Finn has started school, Daisy has started nursery school and they have all settled in well. Today was my usual day for looking after Zach and Noah, it has been lovely and sunny enabling us to spend lots of time playing in the garden. Noah has become very confident negotiating steps and slopes in the garden, his walking has improved so much. Zachy and I didn't manage to bake today but he had fun pretend baking in the sand pit.

I have also managed to do a little bit more on my crochet blanket, will add a photo next time.

No wonder it was so late when I eventually started this post.

Night night talk soon x 

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