Thursday 13 September 2012

yarn along .............

I am a day late again for Ginny's yarn along - sorry Ginny (by the way I love the colour of your daughters Sunday sweater!) I seem to be flitting a bit from project to project this week, I haven't had much spare time but can't seem to settle on any one thing. I started my pink baby blanket but found a mistake near the beginning so needed to undo quite a lot, and I don't really feel inspired to pick it back up again. I have been very tempted to start a knitting project so have spent more time looking at my knitting patterns and yarn stash than anything else.

After much flicking through books I have fallen back in love with my Erika Knight Natural Nursery Knits and I have decided to knit one of my all time favourite baby bonnets - it's utterly adorable. I do hope one of  the babies due in autumn will look good in pink!

talk soon x


  1. I love, love that bonnet! I too have been flicking between things unable to settle. I'm feeling a bit granny squared out for now, so some friends and I have started a blanket for the Hamlin Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia (it's run by an Australian gynecologist). It's just plain knitting, but I needed something easy to do for a little while in the evening after a busy day.

    1. Thank you I love the bonnet - good luck with your blanket project :)


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