Wednesday 14 November 2012

yarn along - granny chic

For my yarn along post this week I want to share with you my new favourite book "Granny Chic" (I am so fickle, I seem to have a new favourite every week, maybe I should call it my book of the week)

I had  read an excellent review of the book and have frequently dipped into Tales of Ted and Agnes and DottieAngel, so I decided to treat myself and ordered my copy from Amazon, it has just arrived and I love it just as much as I thought I would. 

Granny Chic ............
Tif Fussell and Rachelle Blondel (dottie angel and ted & agnes) show you how to make lovely items that will add the charm of granny chic to any home. I love the style of the book which  leaves blank spaces for you to scribble your own thoughts and ideas down. Granny Chic is one of the nicest and most inspirational crafty type books that I have read for ages, it will be a book I come back to many times it's already a well thumbed copy and is living next to my bed.

I have started to make little piles of pretty pink granny squares and flowers, I hope some one soon has a  baby daughter as they would sew together to make a very snuggley baby blanket.

Hope you have all had fun creating this week, and you have had time to pop over to read Ginny's yarn along post.

talk soon x


  1. I love crocheting granny squares. I hate sewing them up. But you can make some randomly beautiful projects with them.

  2. I agree sewing them up is the boring part but worth it, I love your cowl hope you meet all of your deadlines on time :)

  3. That book is awesome! I have never actually been able to complete a granny square, something about them always turns up wonky for me, even though I can crochet anything else just fine. I will have to look for that book next time I am in Barnes and Noble!

    1. The book is worth a look I'm sure you will love it, good luck with your granny squares :)


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