Friday 28 June 2013

poorly shoulder.................

I have been suffering with a painful shoulder for a few weeks and unfortunately crochet seems to aggravate it. I have decided to rest my hook for a week to see if my shoulder pain improves - keep your fingers crossed.

To take my mind off neglected crochet squares I have had a cooking and baking day. I started with some carrots, celery, onions, vegetable stock and coriander and made a big pan of soup..............

Then I mixed a batch of sponge using 8 eggs, 16 oz flour, 16 oz sugar, and 16 oz of margarine this made lots of buns and 2 sponge cakes ( to be saved for a birthday brunch party on Saturday)

Lastly a quick tomato pasta for supper......................

I feel it's been a good productive day.....................

talk soon x


  1. I feel your pain! My shoulder gets achy if I do too much crochet, too, hopefully a little break and stretching will sort you out quickly. (Why don't crochet mags have a stretching guide next to their stitch tutorials? ;-) ) In the meantime, looks like you are making many hungry folks very happy! Chrissie x

    1. I'm sure it will be ok and have starting doing lots of stretching exercises - thank you for stopping by x

  2. I really hope your shoulder improves so you can crochet again. How annoying! Still, you've been very productive in the kitchen. It all looks delicious. x

    1. Hope so too as I miss my crochet - most of the buns have been eaten but managed to save the cake for tomorrow x

  3. I hope your shoulder feels better soon! You certainly were productive, though; everything looks wonderful.

  4. Lots of good stuff ! The cupcakes are beautiful! Hope your shoulder gets better :)

    1. Thank you - cupcakes are one of my favourite things to make x

  5. I hope your shoulder is better after resting it! The food all looks so yummy. I stepped on my dogs rubber Kong in the dark kitchen the other night and fell into the shutters, and bruised my shoulder!! OUCH!! Darn dog toys!!!

  6. Oh dear I hope your shoulder is on the mend x

  7. I hope your shoulder is better soon, all the food looks really good, Epsom salts in the bath is really good for joint and musle pains, I suffer a lot with painful joints and my physio recommended it and it seems to help a bit.

    Clare x

    1. Thank you for the tip I will give it a try x

  8. hope your shoulder gets better soon - but all that food looks fab!

  9. Oh I am so sorry to hear about your shoulder, how frustrating for you and painful offcourse. You might already be doing this, but alternating between hot and cold is a really good way to reduce the inflammation in any area of the body, therefore just putting a hot towel on it for 2 mins and then some ice for 2 and continuing this for at least 10 mins a couple of times a day (sorry if I am teaching you to such eggs!). Wow, you certainly have had a very productive day in the kitchen. The soup looks delicious and perfect for this very wet and cold'ish weather. Is this your birthday you are preparing for tomorrow? Those cakes are looking wonderful, I have also had to do a little baking today as tomorrow is my son's 6th birthday. Enjoy the special day. xoxo

  10. Thank you so much for your advice - I have been using a heated wheat bag but not ice. The cake is for one of my daughters and we are having a birthday brunch tomorrow morning x

  11. Everything looks delicious ... soup is one of my favourite things to eat and all those cakes, yummy ... I am sorry to hear you are sore ... I find crochet causes me some problems too ... I think you just need to ease off for a while ... I suppose it is a type of repetitive strain injury ... anyway I hope it heals soon ... have a lovely weekend ... Bee xx

    1. Thank you for your kind comments - hope you have a good weekend x

  12. oh dear "crochet shoulder"....its only curable with rest im afraid. Although cake and soup would def be of medicinal value too!...yum it all looks delish! x

    1. I will rest but it is difficult - thank you for your concern xxx

  13. Hope your shoulder feels better really soon. Al the food looks delicious!
    M x

    1. Thank you - I will have to be careful that I don't start cooking to many sweet things to compensate x

  14. As everyone else has said, rest up and get that shoulder right. The baking looks divine, I get the impression you are a woman that doesn't like to sit still much. :-)
    I think I will have to try your sponge cake recipe I haven't had much success before , now may be the time to try.

    1. I do like to be doing something but it can involve sitting on the sofa watching television. I hope you try the sponge cakes I forgot to say I also add a teaspoon of baking powder per 4oz mix and a little splash of vanilla essence. A tray of cupcakes takes about 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees x

    2. Thank you! These tips will ensure success. :-) ......and I too do indulge in the TV watching as it means I can hand sew.
      Hope you feel progress in the shoulder.

  15. Oh no! That is what happens to me. If I just crochet it is torture so I try to mix it up a bit crochet, knitting, sewing on the machine, papercrafting - that seems to ease it. I bought a Clover ergonomic hook last week and that is Awesome. Depends how you hold your hook I suppose but it is so smooth, stuff just flies off and there is less tension. Keep cooking it all looks fab. Jo x

  16. I hope your shoulder improves soon Sue. What no crochet?!! That really is a reason to wah!

  17. yummy! yummy! yummy!!!!!
    take care and get well soon,
    love xxxxx Ale

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I'm sorry to hear your shoulder is bothering you. Hopefully you have a quick recovery, and can pick up your crochet hook again soon!

  19. Sue I do hope things improve soon.

  20. So sorry to hear about your crochet pain Sue, and hope you find a remedy that works quickly for you and allows you to get back into hooking! Plenty of suggestions above so the only thing I would add to the list is perhaps chiropractic - or even acupuncture - keeps me right!
    Jo mentions the Clover Soft Touch hook - I began using one of those a few weeks ago and it is the best hook I've ever used - I highly recommend them!
    Lots of lovely sweet food from your kitchen, yummy!
    Take care,
    Joy x

  21. Thank you for your suggestions Joy - and I am going to buy one of the Clover Soft Touch hooks.
    Hope you are having a lovely Sunday x


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