Thursday 22 August 2013

why do I blog...........

I read a lot of blogs and have noticed a recurring theme, a number of the bloggers I follow have started to question why they write a blog - are they based on reality or are we painting a perfect picture of life that doesn't really exist. Are we true to ourselves or are we trying to please the people who follow our blogs. When we read blogs do we envy the perfect life portrayed or do we see it for what it really is - which I think is just a tiny snap shot of some of the interesting and fun things that happen. I share the things I’m comfortable with and feel happy to put in print. I don't want to share that my skirts are getting tight, my electricity bill is sky high or I'm having a bad day with my health.

I have reflected on why I write my blog, for me my blog is a great reminder that I do achieve things. Due to ill health I no longer have a busy full time career and some days it's hard to feel that I really accomplish anything of value.  I loved my job and it gave me a great sense of worth, of doing a job well, of seeing positive results, achieving success and receiving feedback. My life now is very different but I am very lucky to have such a loving family, three daughters who I adore and six grandchildren that bring an abundance of joy into my life.

When I was younger and didn't work full time I was a very hands on mum, loved cooking, craft, in fact I dabbled in all sorts, I helped at the children's play school, I listened to children read at Primary school, I even baked for a local shop. As the children grew my career began to take off and by the time the children left home I was working in senior management, working very long hours, in quite a stressful environment. As you can imagine my creative side became dormant.

Since leaving work I’ve been able to rekindle my love of all things creative; I started to knit again, re-learnt how to crochet and even got my sewing machine out. If you follow my blog you will know how much I love cooking, baking and spending lots of time with my grandchildren.

So for me my blog helps me remember and value the things I achieve. It enables me to focus on the positives in my life, the things that make me happy, from the books I’m reading, down to what has been baked in my kitchen. On the surface this is all mundane stuff but it’s nice for me to share it with you and for me to look back on. I have started to take more photos, I am more confident with my computer skills and I challenge myself to try new crafts and more complicated projects. I have time to read other people's blogs which inspire me; Ginny's blog encourages me to think about new yarn projects and books to read. Jens 52 weeks of happy post has helped me reflect and highlight just how many happy smiley things happen every week. I also look at my garden through different eyes, Lou’s Nature in the Home Series, really inspired me.

I'm sorry if this is a bit of a ramble but I wanted to share a little bit more of me and how important my blog has become.

talk soon x


  1. Sue,

    This is not a ramble at all, but an honest account of why you blog, and what you get out of blogging. I see most blogs I read as a personal archive of someone's life and I feel priviledged to be allowed to have a peek. None of them seem phoney, and all of them are just putting down the stuff that has happened to them that day/week/month.

    I love all craft based blogs, and yet I am craft clueless!! I admire the time and effort (and patience) that it takes to create.

    I love the 52 weeks and Nature series, for the same reasons you do. And anyway blogs should be fun and enriching and beautiful to look at. There's so much out in the world that isn't!

    Leanne xx

    1. Hi Leanne
      thank you for taking the time to write such a lovely comment. It's nice to know that you feel the same way.
      Sue x

  2. Hello Sue

    I totally agree with you. I use my blog as a calendar and reminder of achievements. I also have friends over the world, and my blog helps me to keep in touch with them.

    1. Hi Irene
      thank you for sharing how blogging works for you, blogs do bring us closer to people all around the world.
      Sue x

  3. A wondeful honest, post I think I blog for a lot of the same reason you do, chronic illness can be very isolating and blogging is a wondeful way of discovering how much we have to offer.
    Clare x

    1. Hi Clare
      thank you-I hope you are keeping well.
      Sue x

  4. I love and honest post Sue, and I think you did a great job writing about your true feelings about blogging. I agree with yo on so many levels and I am so glad you blog, too.

  5. I appreciate this post, Sue. I blog for similar reasons; as a stay-at-home mother of young children, I sometimes feel like I'm not doing anything important in the world. I *know* intellectually that I am, but it doesn't always feel that way when you're wiping up spilled milk or helping someone in the bathroom or cooking the millionth mediocre dinner. Not to mention that there are areas of my life which are downright difficult, unrelated to parenting. I like to remind myself of the good things because dwelling on the negative ones makes me feel bad. I don't want to feel bad if I can help it. Life isn't perfect for anyone and I think that people who choose to imagine a blogger's life is perfect might need to reevaluate their assumptions.

    1. I can see that we do have very similar feelings about our blogs, thank you so much for sharing x

  6. What a timely post! I have been going through a bit of soul searching this past week about my own blog. I lost a couple of followers. I have no idea why, and some commenters pointed out it might just be that they switched how they read my blog to one of the blog readers out there. Still, it has made me take a step back and think about why I continue to do it. I have come to the conclusion that in the end it has to be for ourselves as much as our readers.

    I'm glad you have found so many outlets, including your blog, for your creative side. Please keep writing! I enjoy reading about all the things you are doing! :-)

    1. Thank you I'm so pleased that you like reading my posts and your comment was also timely as when I looked at my blog this morning I too had lost a follower - why does that make us feel quite so sad. X

    2. Several of my readers pointed out that some blog readers find better ways to follow blogs than through the official followers feature on Blogger. One of them had just unfollowed all of the blogs she reads and put them in a reader instead. I hope this makes you feel better. It did me. At least I could tell myself that maybe I hadn't really lost the followers after all. But you are right, it leaves one feeling kind of sad when the follower number goes down instead of up.

    3. I wanted to let you know that I also lost a follower this morning. I know who it was and I know why: I didn't follow her back. I think this is petty. But if she only followed me to get followers, maybe I'm better off without her. :)

    4. I follow people through e-mail and on blogger, and if anyone is following me because they hope I will follow them or vice versa that is just daft! I only have 2 followers on blogger and a small handful on e-mail. Doesn't bother me as I have lots of page views and some lovely comments from some very nice people! Also, as I said below to Sue I blog because I want to, not to get followers! Don't worry if they go, you will find other nice people come along instead.

  7. I don't always comment but your blog always makes me feel positive and upbeat. Now I know why! :-)
    Blogging is like our life, who are we?, do we try to be like others?, do we want others to like us? ....or do we just be ourselves and see what happens?
    I started with all sorts of expectations I just let it happen, in a way that feels right for me.
    Thank you for telling us how you got here, and how you intend to continue it all adds to the rich tapestry that is our existence. :-)

  8. Thank you for this post, Sue, it rings true with so many of us! I completely relate with everything you wrote, and that in itself is a reason to blog - you connect with others, you inspire, you share. And I have also sometimes wondered if all my crafty blogging is just superficial silliness, but then I read some headlines in the news...and I realise that our crafts are keeping creativity alive, and our projects are making sure each day has even a tiny bit of beauty and joy. Blogging is our way of connecting all these moments of our lives when we celebrate small wonders and daily smiles. Keep writing, I know I'll keep reading! Chrissie x

    1. It has been so heart warming reading such lovely comments, I'm so glad you felt my post rang true as it was hard to put my feelings into words. Thank you x

  9. Hi Sue,

    I could not agree with you more. In my case it is also the case of blogging being an open window to the world that I cannot reach physically (because of the distance). Crafting, crocheting and sewing is not something most of my friends share with me, it's not their cup of tea, and so wouldn't it be lovely if we could all grab a chair and crochet and chat together ? But we cant, because we are all in opposite sides of the world, and that makes blogging wonderful. I can see from the screen of my computer where this or another lady crochets, where she buys her yarns or fabrics, the pretty places where people live and I can show them too a little corner of my life. And what a wonderful source of inspiration !!

    I remember when I was a child and I went to the village where my father was born in rural Spain, a tiny little village. . . in the Valladolid area, well social networking at the time was to grab a chair (after dinner) , go out to the street with your knitting, crochet, sewing, etc and stay there with neighbours until last hours of the evening.

    I have loved your post, and Im also one of those who sometime over this year (I started blogging last October) has wondered why I was blogging. In this year and because I was blogging I have managed to make things that 2 years ago I would not have even made in my wildest dreams !! The sense of achievement I get from it, makes it all worth it !

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us,


    1. Eva I would love a simple world where we could take our chairs outside chat, crochet and put the world to right. Thank you so much x

  10. I'm in complete agreement with you as to why I write, and what blogging gives & means to me. Thanks for a lovely post, and a reminder of that.
    Wishing you a happy weekend and many, many more happy blogging days!

    1. Thank you Gilly hope you have a good weekend x

  11. If not for inspiration from bloggyland I would never have done anything with my photos, made decorated cookies, started crocheting, been able to share some interesting (I hope) stories. I try and keep my blog a happyish place, doesn't always work, and I keep it that way for me, not to say that I have a perfect life. Let me tell you, my life is so far from perfect...

    I love that people come and read and comment, but I do it because I like to do it and wanted to join in with the lovely blogs that I read. I don't think anyone should imagine that just because someone portrays happy things they have a perfect life, or because they talk about their ups and downs that they are miserable all the time.

    This is just a snapshot - or twenty! - of someones day. No one knows what goes on behind the scenes really and no one should make assumptions. Enjoy what is shared and share what you enjoy - or not - as the feeling takes you.

    If you like blogging Sue then do it, if not, don't. We like to read and be entertained, interested and inspired. It is so easy for someone to say "do this that or the other", but much harder to do it yourself, trust me, I know this!! (says the great advice giver, rubbish advice taker).

    Keep going and take care of yourself.

    1. Thank you Amy - like you I get so much inspiration from reading blogs and I love writing mine x

  12. Sue,
    I too can relate to what you're saying. I had my own business and was pleased with the way it was going. I was able to look after my children and run my business from home, so I had the best of both worlds.
    Then like you due to I'll health I had to give it all up, I felt lost and worthless and I hated that I now had to rely on my family and friends to help me.
    But when I make something, like a card or a cake, maybe some patchwork it was something I had managed to complete on my own,
    And recently taking up crochet has helped me get into a more settled, relaxed attitude. I love that I can make something and get a great sense of achievement . Now I don't feel so worthless and I know my blogging and crocheting has helped me.
    So yes let us ramble and I think it's ok just to blog about the good and fun things and sometimes the down times as its nice to get the support and lift up of our blogging friends.

    Sally xxx

  13. Sally thank you for sharing your experiences - I'm so pleased that blogging has helped you too x

  14. your words are so simple and so comforting that I really loved to read this post!
    Thank you for letting me know more about yourself!
    A big hug, xxxxx Ale

  15. I've always had a great love for the English language and over the years (many of them) wanted to write something worthwhile but never enjoyed reading back anything I'd written - feeling too self-conscious about it I guess! Then I started to blog about my creative endeavours and found it so stimulating, uplifting, and encouraging when other bloggers began to reply and I experienced the thrill of sharing with like-minded folks and - well - I now just so enjoy the sharing, the inspiration and friendship from so many wonderful bloggers that my life has really turned around and I see things more clearly and appreciate life in general so much more! I am not a youngster any more so it's even more important to me at this time of life to re-ignite those interests that were always there on the back burner, as well as begin new ones! Thank you Sue, for your lovely post and for encouraging me to put these words together!
    Joy xo

    1. Joy thank you for sharing how important blogging has become to you and how it has encouraged your writing and creativity x

  16. Sue an interesting post, which I am sure resonates well with so many. I to often ponder this question, but I know, like you I blog because it has given me purpose. Something I have lost since falling ill and leaving work and my degree. It is such a tough transition and for me blogging has not only given me some focus, but it has also brought company to quite a lonely existence. I often feel that it can easily become too much and get out of context, but I love the fact that we all share a similar passion and that we can draw inspiration from each other. We are doing what woman would have done many years ago sitting around a table, but now we are just doing it via the WWW. Love your blog xoxo

  17. Well put, Sue. It's nice to know more about why you blog. I wanted to share my love of all things crafty (none of my friends were remotely crafty) and my decision to start a blog grew from there. We all have our own reasons but the feeling of community is truly wonderful. x


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I read them all and always try to get back to you x