Wednesday 8 January 2014

yarn along - new baby bonnet......................

For this week’s yarn along post I am sharing my first knitting project of the year. New Year and a new baby, my friend Barbara has commissioned me to knit a little baby bonnet. Barbara is my very best customer she has a very fertile extended family and her cousins kept me very busy during 2013. I love knitting baby hats and I have chosen my favourite Erika Knight pattern, I must have knitted this vintage baby bonnet a dozen times. I never tire of its simplicity, once you have mastered the lacy edge it’s all plain sailing with simple garter stitch. I usually knit it in 4ply cotton; it’s very fine, comfortable to wear and looks so lovely.

I only need to sew the bonnet together and then add a little knitted flower before it's ready to package up for the new little one.

I haven’t done very much reading recently but have just started a novel by Sophie Hannah; I have had it on the shelf for some time and it has been patiently waiting for me to read. I bought it for my mum last year but unfortunately she couldn’t really get to grips with it. The novel is “the carrier” and is described as a chilling novel by the queen of psychological suspense; I will let you know next week how I get on.

I hope if you have time you will pop over to Ginny's blog and catch up with all the other yarn alongers.

Talk soon


  1. Such a gorgeous simple bonnet pattern and so neatly worked too. I have just finished reading "Desperation" by Stephen King, I have read a lot of his novels and though they are often slow to start I find I do get drawn into story and the characters. I am often on the look out for psychological thrillers though so I look forward to your review on 'The Carrier" Sue. Enjoy your read x

  2. oh-so-sweet... it's just adorable!

  3. A beautiful baby hat, the soft pink is beautiful. I too love to read psychological thrillers , thank you for the name of this author.

  4. Aw it's beautiful :) I love baby hats

  5. That looks so sweet - it's been ages since I've knitted anything for a baby.

  6. Your bonnet is very sweet x I have read a few Sophie Hannah books now and find them quick gripping and it bit unputdownable, I have read this one though. I hope you enjoy it x

  7. What a great fall to pattern. I still knit my girls hats in cotton, they say wool ones itch their forehead and I am happy to oblige as long as they keep asking for them. Jo x

  8. This little bonnet is going is so lovely, please show us the finshed article.Good for you setting time to read, I need to do this x

  9. Yarn and book, there is little else needed to make one content! What a sweet little bonnet, a real keepsake! Chrissie x

  10. Hi the knit bonnet is beautiful and such a pretty color and the edging! The book looks good too.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  11. The bonnet is just so lovely! I am sure that your friend and the recipient of her gift will love it! xx

  12. This is a gorgeous baby hat and I hope you enjoy your book too.

  13. It's so pretty, Sue. What a lucky baby.

  14. Such a sweet little hat, Enjoy your book.

  15. The baby's hat does look so soft & cozy. It's nice to find a pattern that will do well over and over again. I got a big stack of books for Christmas, but still haven't started one (too busy knitting!). I hope you enjoy your book.
    Wendy x

  16. what a sweet little bonnet…..that must be in the only erika knight book i don't own!!! (i must remedy that!)

  17. The baby bonnet is so pretty. Perfect present for a new baby girl!
    Marion x

  18. I really like the bonnet. It's the right balance of simplicity and detail, plus cotton will be very easy to care for.

    I read "The Fantastic Books of Everybody's Secrets" by Sophie Hannah last year. It's a collection of her short stories and very good indeed - quite chilling and unsettling in places. x

  19. Perfectly pink! Visiting from Annemarie's blog.


  20. The bonnet is so pretty and perfect for a little girl. I hope that you find some time to read. Sarah xo

  21. Hello lovely Sue and thank you so much for your concern, you really touched me! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I would like to wish you and your family a very happy and healthier year ahead. I love the sweet baby bonnet, it really does look so pretty. Sending you much love xoxo


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