Sunday 7 June 2015

Good Morning ........................

                                                                 thoughtful image link

Shall I start again! I've been thinking that thought for ages and haven't been able to decide. My Blog writing used to be part of my everyday routine it was always on my mind, thinking of things to share with you, always remembering to take photos and then something changed. It happened slowly and then sort of crept up on me and before I knew it I had stopped having anything to say. I suppose this isn't strictly true as I still shared some things on my Sweetpea Facebook page and I had started to fall in love with Instagram.  I think it just became easier to post on Instagram and Facebook, to write a blog post is more intimate, more about me, much more time and thought is required. Not only did I stop writing I also stopped reading Blog posts, but I have started to miss it. I feel like I have lost lots of close friends, I don't know how people are, what they are doing, I miss your lovely comments, your encouragement your friendship.

I hope you will bear with me as I take baby blog writing steps and start again. We all have busy lives so me saying I've been busy shouldn't really be an excuse for my long departure but I really have. I look forward to sharing things with you again and I'm looking forward to catching up with you all.

So glad I've taken the plunge and I'm really looking forward to writing my next post.

talk soon xxx


  1. Good to see you back, hope all is well with you and yours.


    1. Thank you Helen all is well hope you are ok x

  2. Good to see you back. :) x

  3. That sounds a lovely idea - I have missed this contact, so pleased you've got in touch. Take care and good luck with your blog - I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone x

  4. Thank you Sarah lovely to hear from you x

  5. I took a short break to my friend and found it harder to come back than I thought. So glad to see you and hope you get your blogging mojo back soon.

    1. Thank you Meredith I'm looking forward to catching up with your posts x

  6. so glad you are back! yay!!!!
    xxxxx happy week, Ale

  7. It will always be lovely to see you here on your blog Sue whenever that may be!! I hope that you enjoy your return to blogging and catching up with us all as we will enjoy catching up with you. xx

    1. Thank you Amy it does feel good to be back and thank you for your lovely comment x

  8. Helllooooo! You lovely lady. Don't over promise yourself. I have to admit my favourite blogs are photo heavy with a light, short commentary. Keep them short and sweet, sweetpea. It could be your new tagline! Think small not huge. Think once a fortnight. Think one craft, one photo, on favourite thing type of post. You will soon get back into it if you don't get too hard on yourself. Love ya loads. My girls still sleep with their hedgehogs you know! Jo x

  9. Thank you for such supportive advice, so good to be back. Love to you and your lovely girls x

  10. You are not alone my friend, I have experienced exactly the same thing. I'm addicted to Instagram but I even found myself becoming distant from that too. However I seem to have found my mojo again and am back in the swing of things.
    I think the key is to keep things simple and to make sure you are doing it for you, not anyone else.
    I hope you find your mojo soon my lovely, take care and have a wonderful weekend x x x

  11. Welcome back, missed your posts
    Clare x


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment.
I read them all and always try to get back to you x