Friday 17 February 2012

Friday Night Catch Up

I have just settled down at my lap top to have a bit of me time and reflect on yet another week - they fly by so quickly - is that a sign that I am getting old I hope not!

As weeks go its been another busy one  but I managed to fit lots of things in - including some grandchildren time as its been half term. Breakfast at McDonald's and then swimming was a success and a competition that involved seeing how many balloon's it would take to lift a paper cup went down well.

I have had time to do some knitting and have started another baby hat and boots set as quite a few of my daughters friends are having babies in the spring - its lovely experimenting with new yarns and spring colours.

I have an update from my last blog - Florence liked her red beret - I am hoping to have a photo to put onto the blog soon. I was also delighted to have an order for the little cotton baby set that I featured in my last post which is great news for the business.

Pam is home from her hols and we had a meeting today to discuss the business (coffee and a chat really but we did do some planning about future craft fairs) We spent some time discussing gifts we could design and knit for Mothers Day and Easter Sunday - I have included a few ideas below.

                                Knitted vintage needle  cases were very popular last year

Calorie free cup cakes are also a firm favourite

Chickens, rabbit egg cosies and potted plant warmers were just some of our ideas.

I feel very inspired and have a huge list of things I want to knit - so I had better get back to my needles and yarn

Sue x

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