Friday 9 March 2012

Late on Thursday or very early Friday!

Hi Everyone

I am so pleased that so many of you are taking the time to read our blog - and from so many different countries - I have just checked the stats and we have had over a 1000 hits from 10 different countries.
It would be amazing if you could leave us some comments - we would love some feedback and also it would be great to know how you found out about our blog.

Since Pam came back from her holiday she hasn't stopped knitting and has made some wonderful tea cosies and cabled cafetiere covers.

I think the tea cosies and cafetiere covers would make beautiful mothers day gifts

Thinking of cups of tea  - its almost looked warm enough to sit and have a cup of tea in the garden admiring the primroses and crocus in the borders but even though its looked very spring like and it has been lovely and bright  - its still quite chilly so keep those woolie hats and scarfs around for a little while longer.

Its the time of year for new baby lambs and also for lots of new baby boys and girls. We have designed some little baby boots which would be ideal for baby shower gifts, baby gifts or baptism presents. We are also experimenting with some simple gift wrapping ideas.

Gift wrapped for that special little one

Can be made to order in your favourite shade

When I haven't been knitting or cooking I have been following some very interesting blogs and my daughter gave me the link to Tiny Owl Knits. Its a very interesting knitting/crochet blog with some amazing patterns and ideas. I have put the link below.

One of my favourite finds on the Tiny Owls Knits blog are the cutest knitted felted rings
I think they look amazing

The rings are knitted in 4ply on double pointed needles and are made out of a 100% pure wool which will felt. I have had a go at making them today after watching the video and like Tiny Owls I think I could become addicted. I have put my photo below.

I think I have still got away to go as some of my hearts look like butterflies but I really enjoyed making them.

If you have time you should visit the site and watch the demonstration by Stephanie Dosen who designs the patterns and according to the blog she is American and is also a singer - currently living in London with her unicorn, two cats & a hefty yarn stash riddled with gnome families.

Its very late now so I am signing off until tomorrow - night night x

1 comment:

  1. I love those rings! Clever girl! Pam x


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