Wednesday 9 May 2012

It's Wednesday ...............

Calm has descended today it's just a normal Wednesday morning no wedding jobs in sight  - starts again tomorrow as we are dropping things off at the venue and florist but I feel very in control and tranquil even with a baby crawling around my feet and a very chatty 3yr old on my lap.

I love Wednesdays as I am on Nana duty and look after two of my grandsons ................ when baby Noah has a sleep I am going to bake biscuits with Zachy - we made some chocolate chip ones last week so not sure what to bake yet. I've also got a pineapple and a melon to cut up which Zachy loves to help with.

I've just got two new commissions - one is for a cotton baby hat and the other is for a knitted baby toy. So after the weekend I will have to get my knitting hat on as I have been loving my first foray into the world of crochet - don't think I posted a picture of my second granny square blanket .

so pleased with my blanket ...........

After lunch the boys went home and I went to the hairdressers - I had two lovely hours doing nothing or nearly nothing as I decided that I could use some of this quiet time and I started to cast on for the little baby hat.

After quite a bright day its now very grey and dreary and has started to rain which is miserable - I so hope the weather is nice at the weekend.

Can't put off cooking dinner any longer even though partner won't be home until late I've got to get my act together and create a lovely veggie meal - sometimes I wish I had a magic cooking wand or that I was into ready meals but I'm not and just feel like being a bit lazy ............

bye for now  (decided on a vegetable chili)

talk soon xxx

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