Tuesday 8 May 2012

4 days to go ...................

We have just had a Bank Holiday Weekend - which has given me time to recover from my craft fair on Saturday and catch up on last minute wedding jobs.

Looking at my list I can now almost cross everything off except my hair which is being done tomorrow - and partner has promised that tonight is "write speech night" - watch this space. The only problem is that since writing the last list I now have several other lists as Laura and I have had a few more strategy meetings - and produced lots more lists!

I have been tending the pot plants we bought on Friday - have been so worried that they might die in the night - not sure what from .................

in flower but lots more buds opening ............

     can't wait to wrap in pretty paper and tie with  raffia .....

The wedding favours are finished and packed in boxes - the little glass vases for the tables are decorated with ribbon and  butterflies - all ready to take to the florist.

                                                             hope they manage the journey ......................

                                                                 all packed for the florist .................

                                                                wedding favours all ready ...................

                                                           jelly butterflies for the little ones .....................

The boxes and bags that need taking to the venue are multiplying and have now taken over two bedrooms  - I hope we have a magic expanding car that they will all fit into.

                                                                 bedroom one ....................


                                                                 overflow into bedroom two ...........

 The table plan is complete and ready to hang ...................

                                        keeping with the butterfly theme ..... not a great photo but gives you an idea 

Enough of this lovely rambling and back to today's list ..............
Collect wedding dress - all alterations are complete and I have been trusted to go and collect " the dress"
Drive dress carefully home
Hang dress up carefully  - hope we have room in one of the already packed wedding bedrooms!
Collect my dress - hope it still fits ..............

Also mustn't forget my normal day job - collect Alex from school and make early supper for Alex, Finn and Daisy.
fingers crossed the day goes well ..................talk soon x 



  1. Wow sue i dont know about you but i feel exhausted just reading about all things things you have done and still need to do but hopefully you will find some rest time for yourself before the 12th ...looking forward to sharing the day with you all.

    lol Barbara

  2. Just picked up the dresses and collected Alex - so more to cross off............. see you Saturday x


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