Sunday 6 May 2012

setting up and packing away .................

Saturday morning was bright and sunny but very chilly so we needed to put an extra cardigan on before we started to pack the car with stock, table cloths and props.....................

We arrived with plenty of time to set up and we were given a very good position in the main hall and cafe ............ so lots of people would be able to view our products. Things were looking very good and we both felt optimistic.

table beginning to take shape (sorry about poor quality photo)

We had lots of opportunities to chat with other crafters and I met a lovely young woman - Michelle - who makes bags, purses, slings and adorable little creatures ............................. I committed the cardinal sin of buying before I had sold anything! I also had a go at needle felting which was great fun and is something I want to try again.

Lots of people complimented us on our stall and the knitted cushions, hot water bottle covers, tea cosies and granny square blankets seemed to be the most popular items but unfortunately people seemed to be looking not buying. Its always nice to get good feedback and I think the recession is really biting .............people can't afford to buy non essentials at the moment.

We did sell some smaller items that people were buying for new baby gifts ..................... its a nice thought that some new babies will be wearing a "sweetpea family" hat or pair of bootees or even a mini baby headband.

All of our stock is now safely packed away until next time - its been a fun day but I don't think I will be replenishing my yarn stash somehow - maybe next time................

Sue x


  1. Hi Sue, lovely to have you on our pincushion swap. Came to say hello !

  2. Hi Charlotte and Rachel - many thanks for your comment and taking the time to visit my blog. I've just received your newsletter and its so exciting to be part of the swap - looking forward to receiving more info :)


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