Friday 4 May 2012

I've crossed a few things off my list .....................

I've had a lovely day and very productive .............. I can cross quite a few things off my list.

Laura collected me this morning and we went to a small independent nursery to look for plants - we want to use lots of potted plants to decorate the wedding venue - to add bursts of natural colour.

We have already sourced some lovely papers and raffia for wrapping the pots. Today we had to choose plants that would have open flowers for next week -  this was quite tricky as its hard to know how long it takes for buds to fully open so we just had to make our best guess.

My dining table is full of plants at the moment and as we still have a risk of ground frost I am going to have to keep them indoors until the wedding. After the wedding we are going to plant up some of the flowers into a wooden crate which I bought for Laura as a pre-wedding gift -  the rest will go into her garden.

After doing a few chores this afternoon and sorting out dinner for this evening - I then had time to sit and crochet the edging of my granny square - its all finished .................

all ready to take to the craft fair ..................

I have just rewarded myself and spent the last half hour reading some of my favourite blogs - if you have time visit  Kates blog - it is wonderful I am so proud of her - she has just come back to it after concentrating on some special mummy time with her adorable new baby son (my adorable grandson).

ready for bed now  - wish me luck for the craft fair tomorrow

night night talk soon x

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