Monday 18 June 2012

blogging course ...... update 2

Jake's having a nap so I am catching up with my blogging course. Just finished reading through week 2 and have finished my homework which included updating my profile and profile picture. I have decided to be brave and use a photo of me rather than a knitted chicken.

I managed to take lots of interesting shots at Anthropologie over the weekend and I have used a variety of different apps on my iphone. I downloaded camera +, instaCollage, instaFrame, and Pic Stitch. Some were free and some cost 69p so not a great outlay. 

I am pleased with the results, although some have blurred a little when I have put them into collages - see what you think.

I have also taken some images of Jake ............

waiting for breakfast
getting his camera ready 

cheeky smile

                                       time for a snooze

collage of our morning

I need to make the photos a bit sharper but I have had lots of fun experimenting and Jake is my very willing model.

Talk soon
Sue :)

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