Sunday 17 June 2012

still away from home ............

Sorry I've neglected my blog - but looking after Jake has taken up all of my time - not even been to my favourite store yet but hopefully I will have time before I go home. I have had such a lot of fun with Jake he is at the stage where he is babbling and exploring all of the time. Although you have to have eyes in the back of your head as he crawls so fast and seems to have radar for finding things he shouldn't have. He is trying to walk and has had a few tumbles along the way - have had to explain a few red bumps to mummy!

Yesterday we went shopping as it was a lovely sunny morning. Armed with our shopping list off we went, Jake was chatting away and being such a happy boy. We visited most of the local shops and also collected a parcel from the sorting office. Then quite unexpectedly the heavens opened and I had to try my hand at putting a rain cover onto the pram, which was much harder than I remembered. I eventually got it on but unfortunately it was upside down but raining so hard I had to leave it.

We arrived home with soggy parcels and wet clothes, I was soaked but luckily Jake faired better and was only slightly damp. I then had to dry out a wet pram - don't tell mummy.

Today the weather seems more settled and Kate is home which is lovely. I have had a nice leisurely start to the day and we have all enjoyed bagels and fresh fruit for breakfast.

After Jakes morning sleep we are going to have a walk along the Kings Road and call into Peter Jones and Anthropologie. (We can't manage a trip to Liberty today as it's a difficult tube ride with the pram but hopefully soon.)

I am planning  to take some photos whilst we are out, as week two of my blogging course talks about photography and gives some examples of iphone apps which can help improve the quality of images - which would be good for my blog. I have downloaded a few different apps so hopefully you will see the results tomorrow.

talk soon

Sue :)

to take better photos

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