Wednesday 13 June 2012

I'm going away again .................

My suitcase is getting a lot of use this month I'm off again ................ I am going to spend a week at my daughters house in London. Kate has gone back to work this week after her maternity leave so I am going to look after my adorable grandson for a few days. It has all been worked out with precision - I am babysitting until the end of this week and start again at the beginning of next week and then Jake's other grandma takes over and I have a week back at home. Kate is Head of Art at a school in London and will be breaking up quite soon for the summer vacation so this arrangement is only for a few weeks.

It will be lovely to catch up and play with Jake in the day and then have some nice time during the evening and at the weekend with Kate. We have lots to talk about as Kate gets married in October - yes another family wedding ....... its so exciting, although my daughters should plan things better it will be our third wedding in 17 months - that's a lot of organising.

Just to add to my lovely time in London - guess what - Liberty's summer sale starts tomorrow! - can't wait to go and look at the fabric, yarn, buttons and bows .......... it's my favourite store.



But I must stop dreaming and get sorted as I promised to leave the fridge well stocked before I left and it's looking decidedly empty ........ into the kitchen I must go.

talk soon
Sue : )

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