Monday 11 June 2012

blogging course .... update

I need to

Its the second week of my blogging course run by Holly Becker. I am enjoying the course but feeling a bit overwhelmed by the very talented students in my cohort. We have a weekly homework assignment and last weeks asked us to identify five of our favourite blogs and look at things we liked and things we had learnt from them. I found it really difficult to choose five in fact I choose six. 

I thought I would share some of my homework with you and I hope if you have time you will take a peak at my favourite blogs - I would love your comments and ideas about what makes a good blog for you.

Three of my favourite blogs at the moment are written by Australian women. The women share with the reader many aspects of their day to day life which for some include supporting the slow living movement. It was very hard to limit it to three and I should have included Evi's blog as well as I love how she shares her life and captures things so beautifully in her photographs 

I love the creativity of the little woolie blog – it’s bright colourful and sunny. Jules is so creative and manages to capture this so well through her photography. It makes me want to get out my yarn and have a go at something new.

Christine’s blog gave me my first insight into slow living - I love the layout of the blog and the photography and of course the topics.

Amanda shares her life, her family and her values. It’s a simple blog, easy to follow and again has lovely photography.

Rosie’s blog is like stepping into a patisserie, a sweet shop, a children’s party – its bright, colourful, fun and uplifting. It’s also full of amazing recipes and inspiration.

Lucy has a lovely style and captures her surroundings so well – she frequently takes us with her on local walks with the use of her expert photography. I love the beautiful crochet projects, and the tutorials she gives or provides a link for.

I think I like Kate’s style of writing the best – she takes the reader straight into her world – sharing her life, lovely son and also her adorable creations. I like the simplicity of the blog, the subtle use of colour and the creative language.

I have identified a number of things that are important to me as the reader:-

How important the use of colour is
How important good photography is  – I need a better camera
The use of language and its accessibility to the reader
The layout of the blog 
The tone of the blog – fun, friendly, warmth

I hope you are happy for me to share my journey with you as I'm sure to need some help and support along the way.

talk soon
Sue ;)


  1. Look at A Northern Mum it is really good. and very funny and profpound at the same time.....this may not be the name but i will send you the link

  2. Many thanks for your comment - I will check the blog out - I'm a Northern Mum myself :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment.
I read them all and always try to get back to you x