Saturday 9 June 2012

pin cushion swap ................

About a month  ago I heard about a pin cushion swap which was being organised by Charlotte and Rachel from House of Pinheiro I decided to join in - this was my first ever swap.
Everyone that entered was matched up with a partner and contact details were exchanged. I was matched with Gilli who described herself as a beginner/intermediate stitcher who loves cross-stitch and felt softies and has made a couple of pin cushions for friends in the past.

I decided to knit a cup cake pincushion so that it would be different to the pincushions Gilli designed herself. I also sent a little extra which was an egg cosy and egg cup to keep her morning egg warm ( but I forgot to take a photo to show you - sorry)

I sent my pin cushion off to Gillie a few days ago and on Friday I received a parcel  in the post - so exciting. 

When I opened the parcel inside was another parcel wrapped like a big pink sweet - I couldn't wait to open it ....................

Inside was a cute little crochet pincushion, a beautiful hand stitched felt heart pincushion and two little extra gifts - a safety pin cupcake brooch and an adorable bracelet which I'm wearing tonight.

My favourite is the felted heart I can't wait to add it to my sewing kit  and start to put it to work.

Gilli also sent me a lovely little card which I will keep as an extra memento of my first swap.

Its been such a nice project to be part of I will definitely do something like this again. If you visit the House of Pinheiro blog you will be able to see some of the other beautiful pincushion projects.

talk soon - night night x

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