Saturday 9 June 2012

cooking and crochet .......

It continued to rain so we had to cancel our BBQ and cook inside. I decided doing everything on the grill in the kitchen wouldn't really work so I cooked up some of my old faithful recipes that don't usually let me down.
For the starter I made some mushroom pate, and we had some dips and other little nibbles. I also had a go at a recipe Evi put on her blog last week and it worked really well.

Evi's pesto puffs

                                                                               hot from the oven

Main course was an Italian Aubergine casserole for the veggies and Coq au Vin for the rest, although as usual everyone went for the veggie option much to my partners disappointment as he thought we would have loads of left overs - I forgot to take a photo of the main course but at this point the kitchen was looking a shambles.

Pudding went down well I made the mini teacup trifles and meringues - I decided to make some of the meringues pink but think I was a little heavy handed with the food colouring.

                                                     tea cup trifles

                                           pink and white meringues .....

                                                         all ready for the guests.........

We had a lovely evening  - probably all ate a bit too much but we had fun and I don't think we noticed the rain.

Before I go I must share with you my latest crochet project its my very first crochet cushion - I am so proud of it. I sort of  made it up as I went along - trying different stitches and yarns. Some of my inspiration came from a lovely cushion that Jules from little woolie made and featured on her blog. 

Hope you like it - sorry if I've overdone the images but I keep looking at it as I'm so pleased - small things make me happy.

talk soon x


  1. Oooh, Sue, I'm so glad you tried the puffs - they are yummy aren't they? Very moreish! I would have liked your BBQ and helped eat the sweets and veggies!
    Good for you having a go at your first crochet cushion - its addictive!

  2. You would have been very welcome - and yes I am totally addicted!

  3. Your food looks super yummy mum! Wish I could have been there. Your blog is looking really wonderful, Miss you x x

  4. Thank you sweetheart - so pleased you like my blog.
    I will see you very soon

    sleep tight xxx


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