Saturday 23 June 2012

catching up at home

What a dreary day it's not stopped raining since I arrived home from Kate's.and this weekend it's been forecast that we will have another 10 cm's of rain. I've been catching up with lots of boring housework jobs and of course shopping when I can brave leaving the house.

Although I did have a highlight yesterday, Pam called round for a coffee and we decided to drive over to John Lewis as the summer clearance sale had started on Thursday. We both bought some lovely yarn to add to our depleted stash.

I love my new yarn it makes me feel bright, energised and cheerful I can't wait to start lots of new projects.

I was planning to take some photographs of the store to use as part of my week 3 homework for the blogging course but in my yarn crazed! excitement I totally forgot to take the photos. I will either have to go back which won't be a great hardship or else think of another store for the homework.

In between jobs I am experimenting with knitted and crochet icords as I want to cover an electrical flex but I am having great trouble threading the flex through the completed icord - it stretches the icord so that the turning seam becomes very visible and you can see the electrical flex through the yarn. If I add extra stitches the turning seam is even more apparent. I'm now having a go with a makeshift French knitting bobbin but not sure it will provide a thick enough cord to thread the flex through. has anyone got any ideas?

Hope to catch up later I'm abandoning my bobbin and braving the rain as we desperately need some food shopping.

Talk later
Sue x

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