Thursday 21 June 2012

playing on the green

On Tuesday it was a lovely sunny day so I decided to pack a mini picnic, grab a rug, a few toys then Jake and I set off for a morning on the Green.

                            We arrived at the green, picked a shady spot and set out our rug.


We had a great time playing with a couple of soft balls and reading peppa pig stories. Jake was so funny he crawled round and round the rug but wouldn't crawl on the grass he didn't like the feel of it on his knees. When he felt a bit more adventuress he started to pull himself up and walk around his pram.

After a few hours we packed up and went to do some grocery shopping, then it was home for Jake's nap and I managed to do a little bit of cooking. We had quite a few left overs so I added a few other bits and pieces and made a tapas type evening meal with lots of different things to try, we also had a few potatoes in so I cut them into wedges and coated them with oil, black pepper and paprika and baked in the oven. 

                                           I had another go at collages  - this one is sharper

Then onto pudding I whipped up a sponge mix and made some large and small cupcakes. 

                            tiny cupcakes with mini marshmallows and chocolate flake
                                    strawberry and cream cupcakes
                                         another fancy collage ...........

Just after Jake's teatime his other grandma came to collect him, she is going to look after him for a few days as I am returning home until next Tuesday. It was sad seeing Jake go but I knew that Kate would be sadder still when she got home from work. Kate's found it hard returning to work and misses Jake so much. But it's only three weeks before she breaks up for the summer, then she will be with him every day.
The plan for the evening was that when Kate and Seb got home from work we would have dinner watching the football. It was a crucial match for England against the Ukraine and England needed to win or draw. The football was a bit disappointing but at least England won. I decided to go to bed early as I needed to pack and get every thing sorted for going home. Although I got a little distracted when I got into bed as Kate had left me her iPad  - I would love one but unfortunately it can only be added to the bottom of a very long wish list. 
The next big decision was should I leave early and go to Liberty before I catch my train home - decided not to bother as the thought of a rush hour tube journey with my suitcase quickly outweighed the benefit of a shopping trip, maybe next week. 

The train journey home was good and I managed to crochet some flowers which helped pass the time away and is a great way to practice stitches. 

I'm back home - talk soon


  1. Mum, I really enjoyed reading your blog post...such gorgeous photos of Jake and our super delicious meal. Can't wait until you return next week x x

  2. thank you sweetheart I had great fun - see you very soon xxx

  3. Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed seeing those photos of outdoor fun with a gorgeous little man. We've had several days of rain and very cold (for Melbourne) weather so my outdoor/sun loving little girls are going a bit stir crazy, as am I. The meals looks amazing too, I bet you daughter loved having you there to care for the family.


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