Wednesday 27 June 2012

five facts about me and my nominations ............

just had breakfast
Jake has just gone down for a nap we had an early start, he was awake from 5.45 am, after a few cuddles and a story in bed we got up at 6.15 am for breakfast. I've now got a little quiet time to share with you my thoughts and nominations.

Here goes 5 facts about me - not very interesting so don't get excited ........

1. I'm a trained nurse but have taken early retirement.

2. I have been married 35 years which makes me sound very old, I was married at 19 ( which seems very young). My life has always been full, I love being a mum and have had a fulfilling career as a nurse. The later years I moved away from hands on nursing and worked up to be a senior manager within the NHS. Life got very busy leaving me little time for my creative interests. Now things have turned full circle and I spend lots of time crafting and being with my little grandchildren I am very lucky.

3 I'm from a family of women, my dad had three sisters, then three daughters, I'm the eldest and I have three amazing daughters. My daughters have changed history as between them they have five sons and one daughter.

4. I have always loved crafting, as a little girl I would pretend to be Valerie Singleton from Blue Peter. I would set up the table as though I was on television and make things.

5. I used to wish I was Snow White ( I was only 5)

Well thats enough about me  - now onto the nominations. My lovely blog awards go to (small drum roll)

I love Kate's blog she always fills me with inspiration and pride (one of my very special daughter's)

A beautiful blog, so well written, Christine has sparked my interest in slow living and has encouraged me to view life differently.

This is such a bright and sunny blog - it gives me so many ideas - I love the photography.

Lucy is so very talented I adore her crochet projects, her photography and her style of writing

Its lovely to step inside and share a peak of Amanda's life. Her two little girls remind me of times when my own daughters were small and that each moment is so special.

Hope you have time to take a look at the 5 blogs  - I will catch up later as I still have to tell you about my new love - patchwork x


  1. Oh Sue, you have honestly made my day. You are so kind passing on this award to me and thank you for your sweet words about my blog :) I enjoyed learning a bit more about you through your five 'facts' above xx

  2. Thankyou so much for thinking of me Sue and for your thoughts on my blog. I like that description bright and sunny very much as that's exactly how I hope it comes across.

    Just seen that you're moving into the world of patchwork. Once I did that became a new addiction and then there's all the fabric you just have to have. Ohh deary me. Enjoy all your new makes.

    Lisa X

  3. Many thanks Lisa ~ love your new post. I am itching to have a go at a crochet necklace.
    Sue x


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