Thursday 28 June 2012

patchwork ..... could be my next addiction!

Before my travels I had an afternoon with Pam - we have both been thinking about patchwork for ages but never really got ourselves sorted, so on Monday afternoon Pam arrived armed with sheets of printed hexagons and some of her fabric stash. We set to work cutting out the templates and deciding on fabric

After lots of fun matching different fabrics together - Pam decided on different shades of green, with some florals.

I've chosen some lovely soft pink and greens - watch this space...........

Talk soon - baby Jake calls x


  1. Lovely fabrics, I look forward to seeing the finished results xx

  2. Thank you Tracey - I will be sure to post a photo :)

  3. Oh I am so impressed, I really wish I could do clever things like that. I've been keeping an eye out for a free/cheap/loan sewing machine to see if I could make something myself. My talents at high school textiles left a lot to be desired, I remember a friend of mine was very good and would do most of the work for a group of us while the teacher was busy with someone else. The only thing I did manage was a little jacket, it took me all semester and involved A LOT of unpicking. Just as I was finishing up the overlocking, I lost concentration and overlocked right through the middle of it, cutting the jacket in half!

  4. Hi Barbara hope you can get a loan machine as if you can make a jacket ( even half a jacket) you could master patchwork very quickly - lots of online tutorials.
    Have a good weekend Sue:)


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