Thursday 12 July 2012

crochet coasters and more .................

My plan had been as soon as I had some free craft time I would start to crochet another doll - I started to look through my yarn stash to plan my colour scheme but I got really sidetracked and started to crochet coasters. I had seen them in Mollie Makes, they are designed by Yvonne Eijenduijn who has kindly given us the free pattern. - Yvonne writes a beautiful blog with lots of lovely inspirational ideas.
I think the coasters are beautiful and they are lovely to crochet  - I now need to buy some spray starch so that I can firm them up and start to use.
I have been using up left over bits of yarn and had great fun creating lots of little things ... just not sure what I will do with all my creations.
My inspiration has come from some of the amazing blogs I follow and many have been kind enough to share great ideas and helpful tutorials. I visited Bunny Mummy and with a little practice can now crochet - Daisy Granny Squares.
After a another late night blogathon I found Craftyiscool and a cute pattern for little monsters, what do you think!.

I think I need to hide my hooks.

One can only have so many coasters, granny square samples, and crochet flowers, I have decided to have a mini "give away" It will be a mixed bag of crochet lovelies, with some little surprises thrown in. If you are interested please leave me a comment and I will randomly select the winner on the 20th July.

Talk soon x

1 comment:

  1. Loving the coasters Sue and the little monsters! I've just discovered crocheting and am working on a granny squares blanket for Miss One. My grandmother made one of these for all of us and her two great grandchild, sadly she died about a year before Miss One was born, so I decided I should learn the skill so I could make one myself for her. I love it, it's quick and much easier than knitting. I've been trying to do a square a night at least, but got caught up tonight getting ready for my first day back at work tomorrow. I'll have to try and do two tomorrow night. A give away is a lovely idea.


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