Wednesday 25 July 2012

I am back up and running ....................

I feel like I have been away for ages - so much has happened in the last two weeks. I have been down to London again as Kate needed help with moving house, and unfortunately was without Internet access which put a stop to any blogging. As well as no Internet we had no TV - it's amazing how we get used to all of these distractions and it was lovely to experience a  renewed interest in the art of conversation - although to be honest Kate and I are never short of something to say.
On my journey home I was involved in a car crash - someone ran into the back of my car on the motorway - which was a very scary experience. Luckily apart from some back pain and whiplash I am ok and the other driver escaped injury. My car has been towed to the garage and I have my fingers crossed it can be repaired - I love my car. It was all such a shock it has left me very jittery but I am so lucky as it could have been lots worse.

Also, my lap top had to go away for repair so today is my first day with my repaired laptop and Internet access - yeah.

In my last post I talked about a mini  "give away" the closing date to enter was last Friday, so I am very pleased to anounce that the winner is  Barbara Good, Barbara left a lovely comment on my post and I will be sending her a special little package as soon as I can get to the post office,

It's so nice to be home and as usual I have been having a little wander around my garden which I miss when I am away, I have taken a few photos to share with you.

Lillie's in bloom
Water Lily peeping out
first baking apple on my  new tree - not sure it will make a pie

hanging baskets are full of colour
Asters about to open 

                                                                           Clematis climbing up the brickwork

The garden is looking lovely and vibrant and as the weather has improved I have been able to spend some time pottering in it over the last few days.
I have had a restful evening after a busy day looking after two of my grandson's, it's been lovely having the opportunity to catch up with my favourite blogs - although I've still got lots of catching up to do as they have all been very busy .

Talk soon x


  1. Oh wow, that hanging basket is beautiful.

    Sorry to hear about the car accident, but I'm glad that you're okay. I'm sure your daughter loved having your help and your conversation, but I know what you mean about not having tv and internet accident leaving quite a gap.

    I'm so excited that I won the give away. I can't wait to see what it is.

  2. I am just packing your give away and plan to pop it in the post tomorrow x

  3. Oh no, sorry to hear about your accident. My Mum had a similar accident a few months back when she was stopped at the traffic lights and someone went into the back of her. Then last week, she had an almost identical accident again. Fortunately her car is being repaired. I hope yours can be too x


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I read them all and always try to get back to you x