Thursday 26 July 2012

crochet heaven - my very first striped blanket

It's so good to be back on line and I have been having so much fun catching up with everyone in blog land - I have so missed all the creative inspiration on offer.

Everyone will be glad to hear that I have moved on from my crochet coaster phase (my daughters were fearing coaster Christmas presents for the next ten years) but I am still loving to crochet, so I am attempting my very first stripey blanket - and I love it.
I bought some Debbie Bliss Amalfi in the most exquisite colours when I was with Kate and the idea of a blanket was born.

 I am using seven different colours, my stripes are 4 rows of double crochet wide which use about 15 grams of wool so each ball only does just over 3 stripes - this is going to be a very expensive blankie - I think it may become a small rug to keep my knees warm or to snuggle a small child up with on the sofa - when they have a well earned afternoon nap.

I am so pleased how it's working out as my biggest fear was how I was going to keep it straight and keep the right number of stitches but so far so good.

Through my blog travels I have decided to join Ginny's Yarn Along.  Every week on a Wednesday  knitters, and crocheters link up and share a photo (or two) of what they are making and what they are reading. I thought this would give me the motivation to read more and also it will be lovely to see what everyone else is making so lots of ideas and inspiration - check out my Wednesday Yarn along post.

I always read Sandra's cherryheart blog and have just joined in with her "Making a Pretty Crafty Home in 2012" it's about house improving, house de-cluttering, pretty home making, and lots of amazing crafty projects. It includes doing crafty things to improve your home, making homes more of a pleasurable environment to be in, Sandra says that" if you can thrift and recycle your way there" - so much the better!
I am late starting as it all began at the beginning of the year but I am sure it will still be great fun to be part of the project.

Off to crochet another stripe before I start cooking dinner.
Talk soon x


  1. Crochet is soooo addictive isn't it? And it's all about squeezing in a row here or a granny square there!

    1. So addictive - last night I was going to do one more row before I went to bed and then suddenly it was way past midnight - I have just had a peep at your blog and the Mario blanket looks amazing.

  2. Those colours are just gorgeous, but making something big from really good wool sure does add up doesn't it. I like to use 100% Australian wool which can get a bit pricey too, not that I make lots, I'm currently working on my very first crocheted blanket having just learnt the skill. My theory is though that making it is worth hours of pleasure and entertainment to the cost is spread over more than just the end product.

    I love crocheting now and wish I could find a little more time to do it, but doing a granny square doesn't take too long so it's a good hobby for one who has constant interruptions and very short times to indulge in such activities. Much better than knitting, I would put it down and then pick it up again and start knitting the wrong way!

    1. What a lovely way of looking at it - yes I get hours and hours of fun and I love the feel of nice yarn - thankyou I feel that I am saving money now!


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