Monday 9 July 2012

Little helper .....................

Zachy and Noah came over for a few hours on Sunday. Zachy brought a little bag with his apron, silicone star cake moulds, baking cases and sprinkles .................all set for a morning baking with Nana. Noah obliged and after having a little play and story went into the cot for a nap. 

The first thing Zachy and I made was the  biscuit dough we then put that into the fridge to chill, next I made a sponge mix and added some cocoa to half of it as we had decided to make a marble cake. I have to watch Zachy carefully as he loves eating the raw cake mix - he is just as bad as his mother or maybe worse. 
In between helping Zachy watched a quick episode of spider-man that I had pre- recorded for him as he gets fed up waiting for things to cook, he likes the action bits like measuring, stirring and decorating, although then I have the problem of stopping him eating all of the icing before it reaches the biscuits.

Whilst things were in the oven I made a batch of flapjack using a new recipe which was posted on bunnymummy it's mixed all in one bowl and everything is melted in the microwave rather than in a pan on the hob.

Then it was time to get the chilled dough and roll out the biscuits - it was the same recipe I used at Kate's but she fancies cloud shaped biscuits now for the wedding - so I have adapted a flower cutter - see what you think.

I then outlined the clouds with white fondant icing but it's a little thick - I need to refine this.

Lastly I iced the marble cake with chocolate butter cream and finished with orange chocolate buttons..............and I have to apologise to Zachy as I totally forgot to take a photograph of his finished baking but it was amazing.

All in all a lovely morning, don't worry I didn't forget about Noah - when he woke up from his nap he had a lovely play with his grandad.

The boys went home after lunch and I put my feet up with a coffee and yes my crochet hook was out again and I watched the Wimbledon final.

Catch up soon
Sue x


  1. Brilliant blog, love all the pictures of Zachy and of course the cake!!! Save me a piece of the marble cake for tomorrow evening! X x

  2. Not much left - I will hide the last piece for you xxx


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