Sunday 8 July 2012

My lovely book ...................

When I was in London Kate bought me a present, it's a lovely story book called Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett - it's beautifully written and wonderfully illustrated.

The story is about a dull colourless town that gets a touch of colour and change of attitude with the help of a box of yarn and a girl named Annabelle. From the seemingly endless box of Extra Yarn Annabelle knits clothing for everyone around her, tempering the ill-tempered, and creating beautifully patterned warmth for people, animals, and objects, alike. When a greedy clothes-loving archduke tries to buy--then steal--the box for himself, he discovers that ill-gotten gains bear no fruit--or in this case, yarn. 

Kate had written me a little message inside the book - it hasn't photographed very well but I hope you can read it - it's so lovely .................
I love the idea of knitting people happy, I would love to be Annabelle. 

I hope you get a chance to read the story-  it has made me think that sometimes it doesn't take very much to make people happy and little things can have a big impact - some of the time.

Keep knitting
talk soon Sue x


  1. Wow, I think your daughter must have a very special Mum and knows how to show it! The book sounds lovely.

  2. Hi Barbara, the book is lovely I've just read it to my little grandaughter. Not sure about being a special mum but I have three very special daughters. Sue x

  3. Your daughter's message is SO lovely. What a beautiful gift x


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