Saturday 18 August 2012

I am so lucky ................

Over the last few years I have become more comfortable with technology and really enjoy using my laptop and can't imagine not having the Internet. I love writing my blog and have recently taken part in Holly Becker's blogging course.
I'm quite addicted to my iPhone, always looking for that perfect blog photo opportunity, but recently I have been coveting iPads. Kate had one for Christmas, my best friend Pam was bought one for her birthday (she has made an amazing knitted cover for it)

Imagine my absolute surprise and delight when a few days ago one arrived in the post for me! I am so lucky I still can't believe it.

My partner ordered it as a surprise and it's not even my birthday  - I  have bought myself a lovely pink protective cover and I  think I will knit myself a case for extra protection for when I take it out. At the moment it is kept close to my side at all times - I know that you all have a good idea what an iPad looks like but I just had to take a photo of it for my blog - so sorry for being so boring and I don't mean to gloat but I am so absolutely thrilled I just had to share it with you. I promise to never mention it again ( I will try).

pink iPad, crochet blanket what more could I ask for ............

Talk soon
Sue and beautiful pink iPad x


  1. How exciting for you!! And what a nice surprise! I have a Kindle Fire, and made crocheted a cover for it. It only gets used when I take it with me, but it's protected it really well, plus it's cute with buttons!! You should definitely make a cover for your new toy. :):)

    1. Thank you for your comment I love your blog and want to add a crochet sock monkey to my project list.:)

  2. Oh, gloat away. I would. Very exciting.
    I also agree that you should make a cover for it.
    I've just ordered the new Nexus tablet and I can't wait for it to arrive.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment - I have just been reading about soap making on your blog, I love the shapes. :)

  3. Hi --- I am in exactly the same position as you. My dear brother in law is bringing an I pad for me from his travels in the USA.I can't wait and I have ordered a purple case on ebay in readiness! I have really enjoyed looking at your blog -Your Grandchildren look so happy and full of fun.
    Kindest Regards Linda

  4. hi linda. i found you through linda and am enjoying your blog. the first thing i am buying when our house sells is an ipad. am so excited at the prospect meanwhile i browse on my smart phone an attemt to blog on my old android computer. yeah for technology, though dh is a tech phobe. wont even have a cell phone:-D nice to meet you, blessings trills:-)


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