Wednesday 22 August 2012

Yarn along ........

Sorry to be boring but my yarn along post isn't really very different from last week I am still reading "The Help" and crocheting my blanket. The book and the blanket are in direct competition with each other and currently the blanket is winning. I am loving the colours, stripes and my experimentation with different stitches. I have tried the granny stripe stitch that Jules from little woolie suggested in her last post but not attempted the chevron yet.

stripey blanket

It's growing quite big and I'm quite pleased with the shape - straight so far. Just hope I have enough of the Amalfi Yarn to finish. 

I hope you have all had a productive week and as usual I can't wait to catch up with all the yarn along posts.

Talk soon x


  1. What a beautiful afghan! The colors are just lovely and I like how you are using different stitches. Looks great!

  2. Very pretty! I feel redundant in my Yarn Along posts lately as well. But it is keeping me motivated to make it look different for next week!

  3. Even when YA's get redundant..I love checking in.. The Help is a wonderful book..the lawsuit was also interesting..made me feel sad for the exploited women all over again!

  4. Your blanket colours are gorgeous - mine is only in it's infancy but I have linked to the little woollie site like you so that others can see my creation! Jane x

  5. Hey Sue, your blanket is looking great. Love the colour palette you're using.

    Claire :}


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