Thursday 23 August 2012

my creative space ...............

For a change my creative space is my kitchen. I was watching a cookery programme a few nights ago and was tempted to make some chocolate lollipops. 

Most Wednesday mornings I bake with my grandson Zachy who is three. He was vey excited at the prospect of making lollipops.

We had to crush Oreo biscuits into the texture of fine breadcrumbs and then add some chocolate spread. The mixture was then formed into balls and put onto a lined baking sheet, then left to chill in the freezer for about15 minutes.

crushed and mixed in my magi mix .......
rolled into balls - a bit irregular .......

The calorie count continues, we had to melt some chocolate, dip lolly sticks into the melted chocolate and then push the sticks into the biscuit balls. The balls were then coated in melted chocolate, milk or white and lastly dipped into sprinkles or decorated with whatever takes your fancy.

stick tip dipped in white chocolate then pushed into ball .......
chocolate setting ................

all done ................yummy
stored in airtight box .............

Very rich - not something you would have every day but lovely for a treat - Zachy had great fun helping and was especially happy to scrape the bowls and lick the spoons.

talk soon x

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